Saturday, July 27, 2024
News, analysis and commentary by UBC Journalism students

Running to the right rhythm

Since January, my sister has been training diligently in preparation for our. Meanwhile, I’ve been looking for ways to cheat….

By Rebecca Cheung , in The Long Run: Sisters in training , on March 23, 2010 Tags: ,

Since January, my sister has been training diligently in preparation for our.

Meanwhile, I’ve been looking for ways to cheat.

I’m not willing to resort to drug use or any unsportsmanlike conduct. However, I have been exploring techniques that will ensure a faster run time with minimal effort.

Luckily, music is on my side.

Last year, scientists at the University of Wisconsin-Madison reported that every runner has an optimal running pace. When athletes uphold this speed,

Furthermore, researchers at Brunel University found that running to the proper soundtrack can help athletes maintain this pace,

Since running the best race depends on finding the right tempo, I called my favourite musician and friend, Chris Elliott, for help.

Listen to my conversation with Chris and some exercise-enhancing tracks here:


Since then, he’s pursued solo projects and fronted local bands such as Born From Oblivion and Soul Impaled


Upon hearing of my goal to get in shape with running, Chris offered some advice on musical devices and selecting the right tunes.

“Don’t get [a portable music device that] has a moving hard drive… mainly because if you shake it too much it can get damaged,” he said.  “Anything that has a flash memory base is a good thing.”

Further to the music samples he sent me, Chris suggested listening to music with positive messages about “overcoming obstacles, rather than obstacles overcoming you.”