Saturday, July 27, 2024
News, analysis and commentary by UBC Journalism students

Comments posted about the Canadian Women’s Gold Medal tells the story of real party on ice.

Canadian women party on ice

The, as many know, won gold last February for the third time in a row against the United States. The…

By Hilary Atkinson , in Icing: A women's guide to hockey culture , on March 23, 2010 Tags: , , , ,

Online comments posted about the Canadian Women's Gold Medal tells the story of real party on ice.

The, as many know, won gold last February for the third time in a row against the United States.

The on-ice celebration after the Gold Medal Ceremony made bigger headlines than the team’s 2-0 win.

The pictures of Canada’s women smoking cigars, drinking champagne, wine and Canadian beer flooded the Internet.


The IOC launched an investigation, later dropped, which resulted in a warning and a slap on the wrists for the women.

Canadians, however, . The team was only having a good time, the way that Canadians like to do.

It was only a few days later that Team Canada won gold in Men’s Hockey and Canadians danced on the streets half naked with various beverages in their hands.

People at the Vancouver Art Gallery even decided to take a bubble bath in the public fountain.

Canadian celebrate a gold medal in Men's Hockey with a bubble bath at The Vancouver Art Gallery

When put into perspective the Women’s quiet on-ice toast to their accomplishments was rather tame.

A cool February evening didn't stop this hockey fan from cooling down after a hot over-time win.