Saturday, December 14, 2024
News, analysis and commentary by UBC Journalism students

International UBC students concerned about coronavirus impact on their lives and families back home. (L-R: Sijia Cheng, Sofia Fatigoni and Azuz Al-Rubaye)

Fearful for families: International students at UBC reveal coronavirus impact

Student concerns grow amid the global health crisis

By Alex Missick , in Feature story Video , on March 25, 2020 Tags: , , ,

International students at UBC are facing uncertainty as the world battles with the coronavirus pandemic. These students are entire continents and oceans away from their families, with no idea when they will be able to see them next.

The Thunderbird spoke to students at UBC from Italy, Iraq, and China, where conditions are much more dire than here in Vancouver. Students are also trying to remain calm and not cause added worry for their parents, as they also face the fear of contracting the virus with no family support.