Saturday, July 27, 2024
News, analysis and commentary by UBC Journalism students

The secret to happiness

People have been talking about it for years and a best-seller book “The Secret” was even on the popular show…

By Anna Fong , in Health and wellness , on February 14, 2008

People have been talking about it for years and a best-seller book “The Secret” was even on the popular show Oprah.

So what’s the secret? Think happy thoughts and you will be happy. Sounds simple but it’s not always easy to do.

In news stories we often focus on the negative or conflicts because that is what garners public attention. Drama sells. If there is a happy story it is often ignored or forgotten when compared to a prior story about a shooting or death.

Today in The Chronicle Herald there was an article about a Cape Breton University professor who will offer a new class next year that is related to sustainable happiness.

I think it’s a good idea and in my previous post, I said it would be good to have mandatory classes to help graduates feel less like imposters. This new course sounds like it could do the trick.

Yet I realize not everyone would agree with the idea because we often want something tangible to take in order to feel better. Many people exercise to get an endorphin rush or reach for comfort foods or drinks to numb negative feelings, but instead of physical activities, wouldn’t it be just as easy to change your emotional reaction?

Other blogs:
Project happiness

Key to happiness