Thursday, January 23, 2025
News, analysis and commentary by UBC Journalism students

Tardiness will cost you

It is no secret that I am a fan of the Ottawa Senators, and after Saturday night’s game against the…

By Krysia Collyer , in Blogs For the love of sport or money , on February 11, 2008

It is no secret that I am a fan of the Ottawa Senators, and after Saturday night’s game against the Montreal Canadiens, I can say that out loud.

Actually I can go one step further and say that I am proud of Ray Emery, the Ottawa goalie, for making it into the news for something other than his indiscretions.


Recently the goaltender has been making headlines not for his skills and outstanding performance but for showing up late to practice, fighting with his teammates, and for his misbehaviour.

Now, I think I am a pretty understanding person. I am a relatively levelheaded person, who tries to give people the benefit of the doubt. But in Emery’s case, my patience is wearing a little thin.

The reason for this is that tardiness has become something of an Achilles heel for Emery. While everyone is entitled to be late at least once, the combination of his outbursts and his continuous lateness is bound to test anyone’s nerves. And it has, especially considering the amount of money he makes.

This past summer Emery resigned a three-year deal worth an estimated $9.5 million to be Ottawa’s top goaltender.

Here is the situation. After spending all-star weekend in Las Vegas, Emery was once again late for practice.

Not really a demonstration of A-class behaviour from the team’s supposed number one goalie.

In order to nip this habit in the bud the team’s general manager, Brian Murray, decided to fine Emery. Under the rules and regulations governing player’s conduct, the Senators fined the goaltender 1/187 of his National Hockey League (NHL) salary.

That means Emery had to pay over $14, 000. I am sure glad it was him and not me.

Anyway, I don’t know if it was out of the kindness of his heart or an attempt at redemption but Emery asked for his fine to be donated to the Children’s Hospital of Eastern Ontario (CHEO).

See, that’s what I am talking about. Positive publicity.

For now, things seem to be back to normal and if Emery keeps this up, he may be worth every penny.

-With files from


  • Whatever, lets talk about the real goalie of the Sens DARTH GERBER. The man has been treated like garbage.

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